While, for many years, team building was mainly limited to behavioural experiments and the sporting field, this concept has become an integral part of our modern business practices. The history of team building can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century, when researchers began to define the key variables that affect human interaction.

As the years went by, large corporations like General Motors, Xerox, and Volvo conducted experiments that established the links between improved productivity and team building work. Nowadays, the common understanding is that team building can help employees achieve their objectives faster and more efficiently. Team building is also essential when it comes to problem-solving and conflict management.

Companies can benefit from using team building techniques to train their employees in order to enhance organisational productivity, give a company a competitive edge, and provide confidence in the ability of a cohesive team to produce outstanding results. Corporate growth and development can be severely limited until a company discovers the true potential of its workforce.

Finding effective team building activities

When When should a company consider running team building events? Many managers still see team building as a remedial activity, when in fact it should be considered as a preventative tool. By utilising teambuilding techniques, businesses can build a strong groundwork on which to base a healthy team dynamic.

Before arranging a team building session at work, managers must communicate with staff and make sure they understand how these sessions can benefit them, both at an individual and at a collective level. Without the active participation of the staff involved, team building sessions are doomed to fail.

Some common exercises include:

For a team building activity to be effective, it must have a specific objective that is discussed as a follow-up activity. Some workers may consider team building activities a waste of time, often a consequence of poorly established goals. Another important consideration concerns the individual personalities of the staff, as team building exercises should never make participants feel uncomfortable.

Choosing a professional team building training provider

When large numbers of employees require team building training, using the services of professional trainers who specialise in the corporate world may be useful. For reliable advice, managers can contact their local university or business school and ask for the corporate development department. Most universities will have at least one expert on team building, and they may even organise a bespoke event in-company. If the local university does not offer such services, why not send staff on a day or weekend trip to another city where team building activities are on offer? Alternatively, a local Chamber of Commerce might offer short courses and certifications in team building.

Team building can be an invaluable tool for those looking to turn their workforce into a high-performance team. However, team building activities must be carefully selected, taking into consideration the characteristics of the staff and the specific objectives that need to be reached.